A Guide to Properly Caring for Your Violin and Viola

Taking care of your violin or viola is crucial to preserving its sound quality and lifespan. Below is a concise list of dos and don’ts to ensure your instrument remains in optimal condition.

Dos and Don’ts

  • DO NOT drop the instrument: Handle your instrument with care and avoid dropping it, as this can lead to irreparable damage.

  • KEEP AWAY from others: Ensure your violin or viola is kept away from playful pets, younger siblings, and children to prevent accidental mishandling.

  • KEEP AWAY from heaters and keep off heated floors: Protect your instrument from extreme temperatures by keeping it away from heaters and avoiding contact with heated floors.

  • DO NOT leave the instrument in the car on a hot day: Never leave your instrument in a car on a hot day, as excessive heat can harm its delicate structure and can melt the varnish.

  • DO NOT run with your instrument, even if it’s in the case: Refrain from running while carrying your instrument, even if it’s securely encased.

  • ALWAYS wipe down the instrument when finished playing: After playing, make it a habit to wipe down the instrument to remove excess rosin and prevent buildup.

  • AVOID touching the varnish with your fingers: Be mindful not to touch the varnish with your fingers, as this can affect the appearance and longevity of the instrument.

  • ALWAYS put the instrument away when finished playing: Store your instrument safely when not in use to shield it from potential accidents.

  • ALWAYS put the bow away when finished playing: Similarly, always stow away the bow carefully after playing to maintain its quality.

Instrument Preparation and Environmental Considerations

To prepare your violin or viola for playing, simply remove it from the case, tune it, and attach the shoulder rest. Additionally, pay attention to the temperature and humidity of the storage environment. Sudden changes in climate and humidity levels can negatively impact the instrument. Aim for a safe relative humidity level of 40-60% to ensure optimal conditions.