Optimal Rest Positions and Foot Stance for Violin and Viola Mastery

Maintaining proper posture is paramount for achieving excellence in playing the violin and viola, and it is equally crucial for preventing potential injuries. In the era of online lessons, where our learning environments have evolved, we now need to consider specific rest and playing positions tailored for virtual instruction.

Sitting Position for Online Lessons

Sitting Position for the Violin and Viola

The Standing Rest Position

For standing rest positions, where the violin or viola is nestled beneath the right arm with the bridge outward, meticulous attention is required. The right arm extends over the chinrest and tailpiece, with the scroll slightly angled upwards. Stand with both feet together, maintaining a straight posture. To secure the bow at the Frog, employ the right index finger as a supportive hook.

The Foot Stance for the Violin and Viola

In the dynamic world of violin and viola performance, the positioning of your feet plays a pivotal role. There are two recommended stances to enhance your playing experience: the angled foot stance and the straight foot stance.

By adhering to these carefully crafted rest positions and foot stances, you not only optimize your performance during online lessons but also contribute to your overall musical well-being. Remember, the harmony begins with proper posture.